Spiritual Life

Ministers of Care

A group of trained, dedicated parishioners brings the Eucharist to the homebound every Friday. Through the reception of this sacrament, those who are too sick to participate in the Mass and other parish activities are brought into communion with parish and the body of Christ. A priest is available to visit upon request.


Religious Education

The school of religion offers classes for children in grades one through eight on Sundays from 10:45am until 11:45am. These classes assist parents in training the children of the parish in spiritual and faith formation. Through the work of dedicated teachers working with parents, the children are prepared for the reception of the sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation.


Rosary Group

Every morning, Monday through Saturday, a core group of parishioners prays the rosary together, both before and after the 8:00am Mass. They pray for many causes, among them, for the intentions of the Pope, for world peace, for the unborn and for an increase in priestly vocations, both in the diocese of Joliet and in the Congregation of the Resurrection. All are invited to join in this holy work.