Liturgical Life
Eucharistic Ministers
This group of trained, dedicated individuals assists in the distribution of the Eucharist during Mass, as well as delivering communion to the homebound of the parish. Training is required for those wishing to participate in this ministry. More information may be obtained by calling the Parish office.
This group of individuals assists at Mass by proclaiming the word of God during the Liturgy of the Word. Lectors also help focus the congregation’s attention before Mass by reading a brief description of the message to be conveyed by the readings. After Mass, the lectors read the weekly announcements, informing the congregation of parish events in the upcoming week and beyond. More information may be obtained by calling the Parish office.
Music Ministry
Under the direction of Musical Director, Bruce Brieschke, the people of the parish are able to give glory to God through beautiful liturgical music. Cantors are present at every Sunday Mass to lead the congregation in song, and the members of the choir raise their voices in praise at several Masses and special events during the year. It has been said that singing is “praying twice” and the people of the parish are fortunate to have so many opportunities to do so. The parish is also interested in forming a children’s choir. Anyone interested in becoming a cantor or joining the choir may obtain information by calling the Parish Office.
Altar Servers
The young people of the parish have the opportunity to assist the priest at Sunday Mass and at other religious ceremonies during the year. Training and a mature attitude are required of those wishing to serve in this special ministry. Information about becoming an altar server may be obtained by calling the Parish Office.
The people who agree to serve as ushers are the first parishioners that people meet as they come to Mass. A welcoming attitude and pleasant disposition are essential to creating an atmosphere where all are welcome. During Mass, the ushers take up the collection and guide the approach of the people who receive communion. Anyone interested in serving as an usher may obtain more information by calling the Parish Office.
Environmental Art
It is important to the inspirational nature of the liturgy that the church be a place of beauty and serenity. The decoration of the church with flowers and artworks serves to remind those present of the beauty of God’s creation and his love for mankind in bestowing upon us such natural wonders. Fr. Andrew CR considers this to be such an important ministry, that he himself has taken on the responsibility of decorating the church. Anyone interested in assisting in this ministry may obtain more information by calling the Parish Office.