Social Life
Coffee and Donuts
On the second Sunday of every month, all are invited to gather in rooms 107 and 108 after the 8:30am Mass for fellowship, conversation and donuts and coffee. This celebration of community has been very popular, and attendance has been increasing since January, 2015, when the first gathering was held.
Knights of Columbus
The celebrated Catholic men’s group, the Knights of Columbus, has recently come to the parish. Meetings are held on third Tuesday of alternate months in room 108. Men interested in joining this worthwhile organization may call the Parish Office.
Youth Group
Under the direction of newly-appointed youth Minister, Linea Pullia, the parish has recently established a youth group to allow the children and young people of the parish to gather for fun and entertainment in a safe, Catholic environment. Families are encouraged to participate in the various activities that are being planned. More information about the group and its planned activities may be obtained by calling the Parish Office.